How To Bleed A Radiator In 5 Easy Steps

Knowing how to bleed a radiator is an important skill for all homeowners. Not only can it help to keep your house warmer, but it can also help to reduce your energy bills. In this guide, we share our tips for bleeding your radiators in 5 easy steps.

Step 1: Safety First

Before you begin, it’s important that your heating system is turned off and that your radiators are cold. Never bleed radiators which are warm, as boiling water may burst from the valve. You should always start with the radiator furthest from the boiler. However, if you live in a two or multi-storey house, complete the ground floor before moving upstairs.

Step 2: Be Prepared

Bleeding a radiator can be a bit of a messy process, so it’s important to be prepared. Make sure you have an old cloth or bucket at the ready to catch any escaping water. You will also be needing a radiator bleed key. These are available for purchase in most hardware shops and are usually less than £2.

Step 3: Bleed The Radiator

Starting with the radiator furthest from your boiler, look for the square ‘bleed screw’ on the top. Once you’ve located it, place your cloth or bucket underneath before using the key to turn the screw anti-clockwise. There may be a hissing sound as the excess air leaves the pipes. Don’t put your face too close to the valve, or you may get squirted with water! You’ll know when the radiator has been successfully bled once the hissing stops and water begins to trickle from the valve.

Using the bleed key, turn the screw clockwise to tighten it back up. Make sure you don’t make it too tight, as this can damage the valve. You may need to give the radiator a wipe down before moving onto the next one.

Step 4: Repeat For Each Radiator

Congratulations, you’ve successfully bled a radiator! Simply repeat this process throughout your property to enjoy a warmer home. 

Step 5: Finishing Tips

If you’d like to turn the heating back on, you can do this after all the radiators have been bled. However, check the pressure gauge on the boiler beforehand. It should have a reading of or around 1.5. Once your radiators warm up, check that they are heated evenly and not leaking. If you need help, always contact a Gas Safe certified professional.

Do You Need Assistance Bleeding Your Radiators? Contact Courts Gas Today.

Get in touch with the team at Courts Gas today for any plumbing or heating needs. Our Gas Safe certified engineers can repair a variety of issues and offer advice wherever necessary.

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